Green and Cedar River Watersheds

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    • #81583
      Jim Welch

        Perusing the TOPO maps revealed a couple of lakes that sparked some curiosity, namely Findley and Eagle lakes in the Green and Cedar river watersheds.

        Does anybody have any information regarding those 2 lakes?

        Yes, I know they are in the watershed, so probably no fishing, right?


      • #86451
        Brian Curtis

          Abiel is another one in the watershed. The public isn’t allowed to enter so all those lakes are off limits. Way back in the early eighties or so then bio Bob Pfeifer made a proposal to use Findlay as a golden broodstock lake but he was told no.

          Having been in the watershed, my cynical side is convinced they mostly don’t want people there so they can hide how they’ve cut all the trees.

        • #86452
          Jim Welch

            So how far west can one go over Stampede Pass until you get to a gate?

          • #86453
            Brian Curtis

              I think you can drive to within about a mile of the Lester townsite.

            • #86454
              Jim Welch

                So has anybody fished the upper Green from Lester to Stampede?

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