Good location to take Scouts?

Forums Forums Public High Lakes Forum High lakes discussion Good location to take Scouts?

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    • #112825

        Hi All,

        I’m an assistant leader for one of the troops in the Snoqualmie North Bend area. Have several kids asking about fishing. I am going to guide them through getting their fishing merit badges and I am hoping we can do a hike, fish and cook outing at the end.

        The kids are 12 to 18, so some of them are not capable of hiking long distance or large elevation gain. Are there any lakes that we can hike too that are a couple miles without too much elevation gain? Of course there needs to be decent shore access for 3 or 4 people to fish as well.

        Appreciate any advice you can give me, Thanks in advance,


        • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by timhimmel.
      • #112827
        Brian Curtis

          Talapus Lake is the most obvious choice. The trail is very popular so you won’t be alone. But it is an easy hike to a lake that is open now. Though the water is probably still too cold for decent fishing.

          Lodge Lake would be another option. It is also open now, but there is snow on the trail and it will probably be better in two or three weeks.

          Snow Lake is a bit more of a hike and not open yet. It is also extremely popular. And for good reason as it is gorgeous. The lake is quite large so it might be a bit intimidating for a brand new angler and the fish can be tough to find at times.

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