Pinnacle lake

  • This topic has 22 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #81352

        I will be going to Pinnacle lake near mount pilchuck. ANy info you can give me about fishin this lake. Does it even have fish?

      • #85324
        Brian Curtis

          It has brookies. The trail has a lot of roots and can get muddy if it is wet so be prepared with decent footwear.

        • #85325

            I hiked up to pinnacle and caught 3 fish. 2 Brookies and another fish I will try and upload a picture. The fish were around 8 inches. The one fish had a few faint parr marks. The only trout i know that has those are Goldens. And i was wondering if anybody could tell me if they recently planted fry in pinnacle lake. There were an unbelievable amount of them.

          • #85326


            • #85327

                Most trout/salmon have parr marks at one time in their life. Go ahead and email me the picture and I can post it here for ya.

              • #85328

                  Well, I am pretty sure your fish is a rainbow.

                • #85329

                    If that was a RB that would have been my first one from an alpine lake. I am used to the silver hatchery fish. Can anyone tell me if they stocked pinnacle lake recently?

                  • #85330
                    Brian Curtis

                      I guess Pinnacle was stocked with bows. That is most definitely a RB.

                    • #85331

                        “if that was a RB that would have been my first one from an alpine lake. I am used to the silver hatchery fish. Can anyone tell me if they stocked pinnacle lake recently?”

                        The lake was stocked with RB 7 years ago, which means (given its size in 7 years) too many fish are in the lake. The Trail Blazers have NOT stocked the lake since 1972. Since then, the lake has received Brooks, Cutthroat, and RB–too many over the years, IMO. – mossback

                      • #85332
                        Brian Curtis

                          Mossback, I think Bob Heirman and crew stocked Pinnacle and we don’t have the records. I’ll do some checking on that.

                        • #85333

                            i also caught a brookie that had a big head. So that lake is overcrowded.

                          • #85334

                              I was looking at a topo map of the pinnacle lake area and there are many small ponds near it. I fished the pond on the trail to pinnacle lake. i know that there is a lake that you can see from the trail that you would have to hike down to. Does anyone know if that pond holds fihs?

                            • #85335
                              Brian Curtis

                                That pond is too shallow to support fish.

                              • #85336
                                Brian Curtis

                                  @Anonymous wrote:

                                  i also caught a brookie that had a big head. So that lake is overcrowded.

                                  Are you interested in filing a survey report that will go to the biologist? If so, email me and I’ll assign you a user name and password to fill out high lake surveys.

                                • #85337

                                    The lake was stocked with bows and cutts and has Eastern brookies. I helped stock them a few years back with the Snoh. Club

                                  • #85338

                                      I also stocked Hemple with bows…

                                    • #85339

                                        What year did you stock hemple lake. And what is the best way to get to hemple lake. Should you go to pinnacle and just go over the little hill or should you go to the end of the road and head to hemple creek and hike up to it that way.

                                      • #85340
                                        Sandy McKean

                                          I also stocked Hemple with bows…

                                          Just to be clear…..No one in this forum stocks lakes on their own.

                                          ONLY the Wash Dept of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) does that. In fact, it is illegal to stock a body of water in this state without a permit from the WDFW.

                                          What this “guest” means is that he worked as a volunteer for the WDFW to backpack the fish to a lake that the WDFW requested be stocked with a certain number of a specified species of fish in the requested year.

                                          No one should get the impression that individuals stock lakes. All such activity is decided upon and authorized ONLY by WDFW biologists.

                                        • #85341

                                            ya, he stocked it with the snohomish club or whatever he said in the previous post.

                                          • #85342
                                            Sandy McKean

                                              ya, he stocked it with the snohomish club or whatever he said in the previous post.

                                              I assume you are a different “guest”….

                                              Just to be really, really clear…….

                                              No club or other group is given authority by the WDFW to stock lakes either. If the Trail Blazers or the Snohomish Sportsmen club, or any organization, stocks a lake, it is because the WDFW has given them direct permission to do so, lake by lake. There is no such thing as a “blanket” authorization that says “plant what you think best”. Every stocking in every lake in this state (at least on public lands) is individually and spefically authorized by the appropriate government agency (always the WDFW as far as I know).

                                            • #85343

                                                The guest was me and i forgot to sign in. In the previous post on the other page it says that pinnacle was stocked with fish by the snohomish club. I know that it is illegal to stock any lake with out permission or a permit by the wdfw. But what year was the lake stocked and what is the best way to access it.


                                              • #85344
                                                Ken McLeod

                                                  The stocking trip when I backpacked the fish up there (in conjunction with the Snoh. Sportsmen’s Club approved by the WDFW) was done in 1998, July I think it was. We also stocked Bear and Pinnacle the same day. It was a nasty rainy day with little visibility. Hemple has been stocked once more since then that I know of by the club, just a few years ago. It provides a little fishery for those who go there, however they never get much of a chance to grow due to it does get fished. Most of the Pilchuck lakes are that way, scenic but popular destinations, the fishing as well. One can however catch a few nice ones from time to time, dpending on the year and age of the fish.

                                                  The route: Generally I don’t discuss route details too much, for fear of the crowds that could impact some places too much, but Hemple is not real secluded, tho it doesn’t have a huge trail to it and more or less is a boot path. Seek the end of the road and scout for it…


                                                • #85345

                                                    I am not sure if you understood what i meant, but i know that was not it.

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